Dave Koshinz, PCC
Dave Koshinz, PCC
Coach | Consultant


Make it Pop!
Advertising is sales in print. So you need to consider how to showcase the unique benefits that your products and services offer, in a persuasive way. The emphasis must be on results, not features.
29.08.23 09:00 AM - Comment(s)
Direct Response or Bust! 
Direct response marketing demands a direct response from your potential customers. This type of marketing is used to answer questions, present your branding and products, and also explain the reason you do what you do.
09.08.23 04:00 PM - Comment(s)
Why do owners feel alone when they work with people everyday?
Running a small business can be incredibly rewarding, and it can also be incredibly isolating. My last business started with five employees and grew to thirty-five...
24.05.23 05:03 PM - Comment(s)
When Knowing Hampers Understanding!
In our pursuit of knowledge, we often come across situations where we think we understand something, but in reality, our understanding is just surface-level
12.05.23 02:04 PM - Comment(s)
When Strong Goals Give Weak Results
Most of us are familiar with the SMART goal method.
30.01.23 06:49 PM - Comment(s)
Working on habits
We're in a renaissance period for brain research that deepens our understanding of how to live a better life. Additionally, modern life calls us to strengthen our awareness and resist the influence of those who use this knowledge to shape how we think, buy, and act.
14.09.22 03:00 PM - Comment(s)
Are you managing a go-getter that keeps causing problems?
Sometimes I work with go-getters who are frustrated by being held back by the team or their manager.
07.09.22 03:00 PM - Comment(s)
Do what you love and energize everything you do
Doing what you love is like a nutrient. You don't need to do it all the time, and seeking to always do what you love can be a trap that keeps you from building the support for doing what you love. I know that sounds a little circular, well, that's why it can be a trap.
26.08.22 03:03 AM - Comment(s)