Dave Koshinz, PCC
Dave Koshinz, PCC
Coach | Consultant

Gather the Troops

13.11.23 03:00 PM Comment(s) By David Koshinz

Today we delve into the essential roles that can make or break your business's success. More than just roles, we'll look at the types of personalities best suited for each. Grasping this aspect leads to transformative growth and profitability.

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." - Henry Ford

The three critical roles in any business are:
  • The Technician
  • The Manager
  • The Entrepreneur

Each role needs a person with the right skill set and personality for a balanced and effective operation. In the startup phase, founders often play multiple roles. This speaks to an entrepreneurs broad base of skills and abilities. However, as a business grows two errors can take root, the entrepreneur does not bring in the manager soon enough, leading to an organization that can't make consistent progress. Or the entrepreneur brings in a manager and cedes too much control leading to a stifling of innovation.

Let's get a little deeper into the roles.

The Technician
Personality Type: Detail-oriented, practical, methodical

The Technician is the hands-on individual focused on the present. They're often task-oriented people who excel in specialized activities. They love working with systems, processes, and tools to produce consistent results. Attention to detail is one of their strongest traits, making them well-suited for ensuring quality in products or services.

The Manager
Personality Type: Organized, analytical, risk-averse

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it," as George Santayana wisely pointed out.

Managers are usually organized individuals who value structure. They are the planners, the ones who set schedules, allocate resources, and assess risks. Their analytical mindset allows them to learn from past experiences to guide current and future actions. They help make the entrepreneurs vision practical.

The Entrepreneur
Personality Type: Visionary, creative, adaptable

Entrepreneurs are future-focused and inherently creative. They are often big-picture thinkers who are willing to take calculated risks. They seek innovation and consider how to advance the business in new directions. These individuals are well-suited for spotting opportunities and setting long-term goals.

"It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well." - René Descartes

Selecting the right people for these roles involves more than just reviewing resumes; it requires recognizing the unique personalities that will naturally excel in each role. When you fill the roles with the right personalities it is easier relinquish some control and place trust in your team members.

Trusting your team opens up the potential for greater individual and collective performance. For help navigating this multi-faceted challenge and to avoid pitfalls, feel free to reach out to me for tailored guidance.

David Koshinz

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